Athletic apparel designed for yoga, training, and everyday wear
Lululemon's Sustainability Rating:
Slow Consumption
Our ratings are based on a scale from 1 (avoid) to 5 (best).
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Where Lululemon is doing well: Lululemon publicly reports on its emissions impact. Lululemon offers repair and takeback programs.
Where Lululemon has room to grow: Lululemon is heavily reliant on high emissions, fossil-fuel based synthetic materials. Lululemon is a fast fashion brand. Lululemon is lagging on its stated targets.
Detailed Summary
How is this brand using sustainable materials, sourcing, and shipping to reduce its impact?
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Raw Materials
Lululemon uses majority high impact fibers, including nylon and partially-recycled polyester. It does have plans to reduce its reliance on high impact fibers, with targets for 2025 and 2030. It has reported on progress towards these goals within the last year.
Energy Use & Production
Lululemon shares some information about its renewable energy use and goals, including initiatives at suppliers and within North American stores. It has specific plans to expand its use of renewable energy within its supply chain, with targest to achieve 25 percent renewable energy among key suppliers by 2025. However, progress against this goal is unclear.
Packaging & Distribution
Lululemon has a goal to reduce single-use plastic packaging by 50% by 2025. However, it is not on track to meet this goal. Lululemon is making limited efforts to reduce the impact of shipping emissions by using EVs for some final leg deliveries in key cities in Canada, China, and South Korea. However, it is not clear what proportion of shipments this represents.
Slow Consumption
Does this brand lower demand for new items by encouraging conscious consumption and facilitating the long-term use of its products?
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Repair & Care
Lululemon has a free repair program that is not publicized on their site. It gives detailed care instructions to extend garment lifespan.
Take Back Programs
Lululemon has a take back program that accepts its own items for resale. Lululemon does not publicize this program widely and shares limited details on the efficacy or impact of this program. We require larger brands to share this information.
Slow Fashion
Lululemon is a fast fashion brand that has frequent new releases.
Commons is currently evaluating its marketing emails.
Is this brand transparent about its sustainability goals and how it’s working toward them?
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Transparency & Reporting
Lululemon has a sustainability page with information about materials, packaging, labor practices, current initiatives and progress, and energy use. It is unclear how often this page or information is kept up to date. Lululemon publishes annual impact reports, with information on initiatives and current impact. Its latest annual report is from 2023.
Emissions Tracking
Lululemon internally measures and publicly reports its company-level emissions, including detailed breakdowns. It's reported 2023 footprint was 1,323,959 tCO2e.
Emissions Targets
Lululemon has SBTi certified and approved net-zero emissions reductions targets for the mid to long term. It shared progress on these goals within the last year and are on track to meet them. Commons could not find verification that it offsets any emissions.
Supply Chain & Labor
Lululemon publishes the names and locatiions of its supply chain partners, with full Tier 1 traceability and partial traceability for Tier 2. It has a supplier code of conduct, which includes provisions for regular audits of partners, allowing collective bargaining, and no forced labor. There is no commitment to a living wage and subcontracting is not disallowed.
Our ratings are based on a scale from 1 (avoid) to 5 (best). How we rate →
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