Fashion for young women and men, focusing on the latest styles and rapid delivery
boohoo's Sustainability Rating:
Slow Consumption
Our ratings are based on a scale from 1 (harmful) to 5 (best). How we rate →
Where boohoo is doing well: boohoo publicly reports on its emissions impact.
Where boohoo needs to do better: boohoo is still reliant on high emissions, fossil-fuel based synthetic materials. boohoo is a fast fashion brand. boohooo does not appear to have take back or slow consumption initiatives. boohoo shares limited information about its supply chain.
Detailed Summary
How is this brand using sustainable materials, sourcing, and shipping to reduce its impact?
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Raw Materials
boohoo has introduced Better Cotton Initiative certified cotton and vintage products into its offerings. It has a target to increase use of sustainably sourced fibers. However, these fibers currently make up a small percentage of its overall material portfolio.
Energy Use & Production
Commons could not find information on this brand's energy use.
Packaging & Distribution
Commons could not find information on this brand's packaging materials. We assume larger brands still have the standard practice of plastic packaging and excess waste.
Slow Consumption
Does this brand lower demand for new items by encouraging conscious consumption and facilitating the long-term use of its products?
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Repair & Care
Commons could not find evidence of repair services or eco-conscious care instructions for this brand.
Take Back Programs
Commons could not find information on any take back or circularity programs.
Slow Fashion
boohoo is a fast fashion brand. It has frequent new releases that encourage overconsumption.
boohoo does not mention the environmental cost of fashion and encourages overconsumption.
Is this brand transparent about its sustainability goals and how it’s working toward them?
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Transparency & Reporting
boohoo has a sustainability webpage, but it is not prominently displayed on their website. It has a TCFD report and an annual sustainability report that contains details on its sustainability targets and progress. However, it does not paint a clear picture of what its most important impact drivers are.
Emissions Tracking
boohoo measures and publicly reports on its company-level emissions in partnership with a third party service. In 2023, its total market-based emissions were 781,146 tCO2e.
Emissions Targets
boohoo has SBTi-aligned 2030 emissions reductions targets. It reports on its progress anually. Commons did not find evidence that boohoo offsets its emissions.
Supply Chain & Labor
boohoo publishes information about its manufacturing partners, but does not share information about its materials sourcing further up the supply chain. It has a Supplier Code of Conduct which allows collective bargaining, but does not address living wages or subcontracting.
Our ratings are based on a scale from 1 (harmful) to 5 (best). How we rate →
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